About AI coding: Cursor

Happy Snake year 2025 🧧

This Chinese new year I was staycation at Shanghai home alone with the cat, again.

But differently I didn’t watch tons of movies and TV shows. Instead of that, I did a small project all by myself. Well, with Cursor, the amazing AI code editor.

After trying a bit, I reached the free limit vert quickly. For the dream of becoming a full stack developer, I paid the yearly fee of 192 USD (20% off) and then started an exciting week.

Long story short, I realized I was paying for subscriptions I’d forgotten about—wasting money every month. So, I built WhasSub!, a simple app to track them all.

With the help of Cursor, I developed it in just two days. Now, WhasSub! V0.1 is live!

Try it now: app.whassub.com. Stop overpaying, start tracking!

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